Net Zero by 2035

Achieving Net Zero


Marprop is on a journey to achieve Net Zero by 2035

Understanding Net Zero

Net Zero often refers to the equilibrium between the amount of greenhouse gas generated and the quantity efficiently removed from the atmosphere. It's essentially the point when what we contribute to the atmosphere matches what we take from it, effectively balancing the greenhouse gas scales.

 Setting ESG Targets

In collaboration with our Institutional Partners in Germany, we've established a set of targets that our commercial office buildings are intended to meet. Buildings part of our alternative asset class, or those that don't have access to NABERS ratings or lack the necessary data, can only aim for certain specific targets.

Target Stretch Target
Building certifications 50% in-use certification and 100% EPCs by 2023 100% in-use certification and 100% EPCs by 2023
Data coverage for GRESB 75% coverage for energy, CO2, water and 70% coverage for waste by 2023 85% coverage for energy, CO2, water by 2023 and 70% coverage for waste by 2025
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Net zero by 2050 Net zero by 2035
Energy Reduction
30% by 2030 50% by 2030
Renewable Energy 100% landlord energy by 2025 100% landlord energy by 2025 and 50% tenant energy by 2030
Water Reduction 30% by 2030 50% by 2030
Waste Reduction 0% diverted to landfill by 2030 0% diverted to landfill by 2025

Achieving Net Zero


Our Path to Achieving Net Zero in our Buildings

Marprop has employed Knight Frank Australia to carry out a comprehensive sustainability assessment of our buildings to establish their current performance against the ESG goals and to plot a course towards achieving these benchmarks.

The process for this sustainability review included:

  • Gathering and examining available building documents

  • Studying the building’s present and past NABERS ratings and related data

  • Analysing the building’s underlying electricity and water use, factoring in electricity interval data

  • Dialoging with the site management about the current details and operations of the building

  • Communicating with the site mechanical contractor about HVAC equipment and controls, as well as reviewing BMCS operation

  • Visiting the site in person to inspect electrical, water and waste facilities and machinery

The Sustainability Roadmaps outline how each building will take steps in the upcoming years to meet these set goals. The roadmap varies from building to building and may include a combination of the below categories:-

Category Item
Building Certifications Maintaining NABERS ratings and take action to optimise and improve the accuracy of NABERS ratings.
Data Coverage for GRESB Developing and implementing a plan to obtain, house and manage existing tenants’ electricity data.
Update leases for new tenants to make mandatory the provision of tenant utility data to the landlord.
Energy Implementing an ongoing building fine tuning service to improve base building energy performance.
Auditing base building lighting & replace inefficient lamps & controls.
Upgrading tenancy lighting.
Replacement of motor, fan & pump components.
Renewable Energy Reviewing opportunities for rooftop solar system.
Purchasing Renewable Energy
GHG Emissions
Developing and implementing a refrigerant strategy to replace refrigerants with high Global Warming Potential.
Developing a policy for the use of renewable energy vs carbon offsets in achieving carbon neutral certification.
Implementing carbon neutral certification via the NABERS pathway.
Replacing gas boilers with a heat pump solution.
Water Implementing a water efficiency program.
Installation of additional water sub-meters to measure key equipment water consumption.
Remediation of high tap flow rates & high toilet flush volumes.
Optimisation of cooling tower water consumption.
Waste Developing further waste improvement programs.
Creation of separate lock-up waste bin areas.
Replacement of all under-desk bins with multi bin floor waste stations.
Installation of appropriate waste signage in tenancies.
Ongoing engagement with tenants on best practice waste management.
Separation of retail and office waste for collection and recording purposes.
Implementation of a second source of waste data to enhance waste data quality and NABERS outcomes.